Sunday, February 15, 2009

Laloo - The quality that matters!!!

Its amazing how one can easily fill the hearts of everybody watching with a sense a humour that one can feel as though calming amidst a tornado!!!!

I was watching laloo videos on the net regarding the budget and it struck me to see him enact his wizardy over the entire session. (believe me...these guys are not too easy to please) spellbound are the listeners, that they have nothing to do but? Laugh What else along with the  rest of the nation....

No matter what the CBI, opposition, detractors and "others" say about him, laloo, to me stands for optimism. The reasons are need for brouhaha over his past legacy and his so termed tainted rule and all elitist opinions about him, he has stood the test of times.....

of course, lots of good things were happening before in previous administration of railways, but this gentleman is a cut about the rest. For his courage (propogating secularism), determination (fighting CBI cases), intelligence (remember his master piece in making his wife the chief-minister), managerial skills (railways turnaround folklore), his bone-tickling speeches and his indomitable spirit....I am his FAN!!!!....just for his incredible quality to charm his way through detractors.....

PS : care not to explain if there are not convincing for others and for people who have other opinions about laloo...everyone has an opinion, so do i

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanz Imran I'm also lolooo ji FAN...JAB TAK RAHI GA SAMOSE MEIN AALLO..TAB TAK RAHI GA INDIA MEIN LALO Obiviously he is a worthable man of noble qualities...Actually he brings lot of changes in railways..Getting jobs are also easy in that dept even no basic critria...