Tuesday, October 14, 2008

trying to get back to blogging

i am bored out of my wits guys....

wanting to blog about some interesting things but not finding good time for it....

anyways will keep you guys updated from now on....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ramzan and taqwa

Back again....
long since last posting but just leaving it to post some better stuff....this is the month of ramzan....the month of fasting...and loads of graciousness from allah....
one major and important thing that needs to be acheived thru fasting is taqwa...so if somebody can practice taqwa "fear of allah" then allah says that he will give him rizq from a place that he doesnt even imagine..
so please make sure you dont spend this month just like any other month with empty stomaches....

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I am Back ---reflections of a piognant moment

Just back to blogging after a long time...work and that most coveted one-time work of our lives..Marriage....my nikah was on 11th may 2008 and sorry for being stereotypic...its has been the best day of my life

Well unique as our customs are, though being a realist, i thoroughly enjoyed it....
sorry for being artistic again, i had to say seeing the bride for the first time only after nikah is an unforgettable experience...

i must say there are somethings which we can never fully coprehend and nikah should be on top of that list....two perfect strangers...one nikah ceremony....then the transformation to being the ultimate companions aka soulmates....

my life now closely resembles that fanta softdrink Ad....where a guy is blasted by an orange ball....dishkiyaon....

one thing that stuck me after all this is there is a better, clean, halal way to do everything that we desire however worldly it might seem....and that as a consequence works out to be the best choice....

without being philosophical, lemme add that marriage is not just the satisfaction of our inclinations but the culmination of all things important for us in our lives.....

ok now for the marriage resolution....
" Before marriage, there are lots of relationships we are involved in like the relation with your parents, extended family friends etc., and after marriage, there is again a superlative bonus of new relatives like your in-laws and associated assortment of relatives....my understanding is that both have their own places and their rights and the resolution is to maintain and sustain their rights without infringing on each others rights and egos"
It does sound challenging but thats the way to go about it

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Auto Kaaran!!


read this post about the typical auto fellow!
Hilarious and also mark a feed if possible as interesting updates are intended