There has been a bloodbath on ilugc regarding petty issues like one ignorant guy using a .ppt in an open source conf, one's choice of posting in other languages and other stuff...all the more, there has been lots of mails reminding eah other of mailing list guidelines, etiquettes, common sense etc.,
Hypocrisy to the MAX i would say...forget about all these artificial rules, what about the natural rules like respect for each other, courtesy, tolerance, humulity and so on...
Much has been criticised about NRCFOSS and how everything that it does is not helpful to FOSS cause and so on. Grow UP!!! with out NRCFOSS, ilugc would not have had the same kind of visibility in TN atleast. NRCFOSS at AU-KBC has been humble enough to let these giys run the show and there is no penny credit given for this simple fact...any LUG guy knows how much sponsorship money NRCFOSS has contributed and/or arranged to run your favourite fossconf show in the world..
NRCFOSS has also sponsored so many of these highly learned community members to participate in workshops and conferences organized by NRCFOSS. Yet these gentlemen speak of government money being waste..i dont know whether its waste in consumption or waste in expenditure.....
ALso with out a simple understanding of the objective of FOSS LAB server, people are crying out at the uselessness of the utility....paining to see iluustruous guys join the noise generator...
if only people dont forget analytical reasoning and common sense, we would live peacefully and have a good SNR ( Source code to Need Ratio)

Hypocrisy to the MAX i would say...forget about all these artificial rules, what about the natural rules like respect for each other, courtesy, tolerance, humulity and so on...
Much has been criticised about NRCFOSS and how everything that it does is not helpful to FOSS cause and so on. Grow UP!!! with out NRCFOSS, ilugc would not have had the same kind of visibility in TN atleast. NRCFOSS at AU-KBC has been humble enough to let these giys run the show and there is no penny credit given for this simple fact...any LUG guy knows how much sponsorship money NRCFOSS has contributed and/or arranged to run your favourite fossconf show in the world..
NRCFOSS has also sponsored so many of these highly learned community members to participate in workshops and conferences organized by NRCFOSS. Yet these gentlemen speak of government money being waste..i dont know whether its waste in consumption or waste in expenditure.....
ALso with out a simple understanding of the objective of FOSS LAB server, people are crying out at the uselessness of the utility....paining to see iluustruous guys join the noise generator...
if only people dont forget analytical reasoning and common sense, we would live peacefully and have a good SNR ( Source code to Need Ratio)